
How Store Water Color Burshes In Studio

I'm welcoming some new watercolor painters to the medium, then there have been some requests for information about caring for watercolor brushes.

(Even if you know all this, you might want to skip downwards to particular ix. In the third paragraph, there are two links to videos about how brushes are fabricated. The outset is a tour of the Escoda brush mill, and the second is a fascinating and mannerly video of a chief Chinese castor maker at piece of work. Apologies if you've already seen them; I think I've posted both of these before somewhere, simply I couldn't find the links on my site today, so maybe not. Even if they are repeats, they're worth watching over again.)

1. Rinse sizing out of new brushes.

New brushes are often shipped with a watersoluble "glue" holding the bristles together to forbid damage in shipping (fifty-fifty brushes shipped with a plastic cover over the bristles may have sizing in the brush). The beard will feel difficult and crusty, or maybe even be stuck together completely.

If you merely break the beard gratuitous from the sizing while the brush is dry, there will exist a residuum of sizing in the brush, and it won't perform well and volition dry hard again. At to the lowest degree until yous've painted with it long enough to gradually rinse the sizing out.

Instead, rinse a new castor under warm running water and utilize your fingers to soften the sizing and work it out of the bristles. Information technology normally takes 30 seconds to a minute to really rinse all the sizing out. You only have to do this once when you kickoff buy the brush.

2. Wet the brushes you plan to use and let them absorb a little h2o before you start painting.

Natural hair brushes, especially, need a few moments to absorb water before they will behave predictably. Equally synthetics have gotten better (closer to the behavior of natural pilus) this has become true for them, too.

When you gear up to paint, dip the brush you are going to use in clear water, blot off the backlog, and leave it resting on your table (preferably tip down).

In add-on to allowing the brush hairs a moment to blot h2o, this besides allows some water to movement by capillary action upward into the ferrule. If there is some quondam paint that didn't get rinsed out entirely, this will give it a little time to dissolve and be rinsed out earlier it has a chance to unexpectedly sneak into your first wash. Plus, having some water already in the ferrule volition dilute whatever paint that does drift up that far.

iii. Rinse one more time before beginning to paint.

If there was any paint that didn't get completely washed out after the concluding painting session, this volition give it a risk to become rinsed out now, before it tin can contaminate your showtime wash. This is peculiarly handy if yous use powerful colors like the phthalo blues and greens, or stiff quinacridone reds, violets and oranges. A small amount of these strong colors left in the ferrule tin sneak downward into your first few brushstrokes. Pretty aggravating if you lot meant to put down a pure, pale yellow!

4. Don't get out brushes soaking in your rinse water.

Please don't do this to your brushes!
Please don't do this to your brushes!

When working in acrylics, it'due south mutual to leave the brush soaking in rinse water to forestall the pigment from drying in the brush.  You may too have been taught to do this with watercolor or tempera pigment as a child as a manner to prevent you from laying a pigment-filled castor on the table.

Brushes with fairly stiff bristles and plastic handles can tolerate this, but a soft watercolor castor with a lacquered wooden handle volition exist quickly ruined this fashion. The h2o is captivated into the wood of the handle, which swells, cracks the lacquered finish and loosens the ferrule (the metallic collar that holds the beard) from the handle.

Even if you only remainder the brush tip in water, capillary activity and time will draw water upwardly into the ferrule where it can and then be absorbed into the wood of the handle.  In some cases, the glue property the handle to the ferrule will too be damaged and the handle volition fall off. In some brushes, the brush hairs are glued in identify and the brush may begin shedding hairs if left soaking in water.

Instead, go on a sponge or towel handy to blot the brush dry and lay it down flat or tip downwardly until you lot demand it once more.  A brush balance or chopstick rest makes a handy identify to residual a brush, but a pair of towels works but fine, too.

If you lot already have this habit built in from painting in acrylics, one trick is to use a pocket-sized, light container for rinse water for a while. It'southward a scrap of a nuisance, because yous'll accept to change rinse water more often, but if the container feels likely to tip over from the weight of the brush, information technology will assist remind y'all not to leave the brush soaking.

I pigment in both watercolor and acrylic, and I use different containers for my rinse h2o equally a style to help remind myself not to leave my watercolor brushes soaking. (If you pigment in acrylics, you lot might want to check out my article on clean-up tips for acrylic for ideas virtually how to go along paint from drying in your acrylic brushes until you end a painting session and have time to wash them.)

5. Rinse thoroughly with clear water and get out them to dry tip downwards when y'all are done for the 24-hour interval.

Watercolor brushes drying on a towel on a slanted board.
Lay your brushes on a towel on a slanted lath until they are dry.

It will not damage your brush if some residual watercolor dries in the brush or ferrule. Even if information technology sits in that location for twenty years, watercolor can be re-dissolved again in h2o. Simply sometimes a bit of colour is drawn up into the ferrule by capillary action. If the brush is left to dry tip downwards, most of this color will movement downward out of the ferrule, making information technology easier to rinse out before you lot begin your next painting session.

I take an extra painting support, prop upwards one end with a rolled up towel, drape some other modest towel over the support and lay my brushes on it, tip downwards, to dry.

six. Don't put moisture brushes in a jar for storage.

It looks pretty, and it keeps your brushes handy, so many people store their brushes, tip up, in a jar. So do I (well, my acrylic brushes, anyway). Merely not until they are thoroughly dry!

Letting them stand tip up in the jar to dry just encourages water to run down into the ferrule where it has little hazard to evaporate. This invites the same problems every bit leaving your brushes soaking in your rinse h2o. I have several watercolor brushes with cracked lacquer and loose ferrules because I put them dorsum in jars before they were really dry.

seven. Unroll or open up upwards brush carriers equally soon as you get abode.

If you ship your brushes to a grade or a plein air session in a brush carrier, be sure to unroll or open it as presently as you lot get abode to allow moisture to evaporate. It's better if you can accept your brushes out and allow them dry out completely before re-packing, but this may non be practical in a multi-day workshop or while traveling. Simply do at least take the time to open upwards your brush carrier and let your brushes dry out.

In addition to the bug of handles cracking or ferrules loosening, leaving brushes stored in a airtight carrier can atomic number 82 to mold. Many watercolor paints comprise ingredients like honey or glycerin to help them stay moist. Although a jar of honey is unlikely to abound mold considering of its low h2o content, molds remember the (quite diluted) honey in your paint is yummy!  Once you get mold contamination in your brushes or paints, it can be very difficult to eradicate, and so information technology'south best non to give information technology a chance to get started.

viii. Don't panic if a brush gets smushed and dries in a wonky shape.

I hear that some of you bound out of bed in the morning looking beautifully put-together, but my hair is prone to bed-caput. Luckily, a shower fixes that.

Sometimes a brush slips to the bottom of your tote purse and gets a case of "bed-caput", too. It can be a bit worse than my hair in the morning, because the brush may have been in that location for days or weeks before existence discovered.

Notwithstanding, you can reshape the castor using warm water. If information technology's been hiding in the bottom of your tote purse for some time, you may have to massage it under warm water for a few minutes before it starts to cooperate. If that's non enough to exercise the fob, blot the castor to remove excess h2o and use hair gel to reshape the bristles and hold them in identify. After the brush dries, rinse out the hair gel as you would sizing from a new brush and all should be well. On rare occasions, I've had to repeat the process a few times to completely reshape the brush.

9. Don't try to make a brush come to a better point past trimming it.

Occasionally, yous will find a brush hair or two sticking straight out to the side, and the warm-h2o play a trick on doesn't fix it. In this case, the brush hair may actually be partially cleaved, and the best solution is to trim that ane hair (or two) off at the ferrule. Merely don't effort to reshape an entire brush past trimming it.

Information technology simply doesn't piece of work. The reason a brush comes to a indicate is that there are longer hairs in the middle AND that each pilus (even constructed ones) has a natural taper to it. Trimming the castor removes the natural taper and makes it LESS likely that you lot'll go a skillful betoken.

To really understand this—and merely considering it'south fascinating!—watch this video about how watercolor brushes are made. It helps explain why they're so expensive, as well! Lots of steps done by paw and it's not a unproblematic skill to learn. (If yous liked that 1, you lot might besides like this longer series on how traditional Chinese brushes are made.)

There are iii common reasons why a brush won't come to a sharp betoken:

one. It's poorly made.

Sadly, there's no fixing this. The all-time way to avoid that problem is to buy your brushes (at least the expensive ones) at an fine art supply store that volition allow you endeavour the brush in clear water before buying.

Even a loftier-quality castor tin can be damaged in shipping or by other customers handling information technology in the store, and then this is especially helpful if the castor does not accept whatsoever sizing or protective cover. It might still exist a perfectly proficient brush, but trying it out volition ensure it hasn't been damaged.

2. The longest hairs at the tip of the brush have been broken or separate.

Depending on your style, a practiced natural-hair or quality brush may last a few months or a lifetime. Y'all accept to be pretty rough with information technology to break a castor downwardly in a few months, only aggressively stabbing at the paper, scrubbing and dry out-brushing can be hard on a brush.

My solution to this is to use one of the wonderful synthetics or constructed-natural hair alloy brushes on the market today, paint with abandon, and buy a new brush after 2 or 3 years.

A size 14 Winsor & Newton serial seven Kolinsky sable brush (long considered the "gold standard" of watercolor brushes) has a list price of $499 as of today! (Although nothing sells for "list price" then you can probably detect one on auction for "only" $300-350.) The list cost for a size fourteen is $1299!!! Yikes!

I don't know who actually buys these brushes, because you can buy an every bit good (really, I remember they are ameliorate), Escoda kolinsky size x for around $50 – $80 ($120 for a size xiv). This was my workhorse castor until well-nigh 5 years agone.

Merely in the last few years, synthetic brushes accept gotten then good that I much adopt to purchase a far-less-expensive synthetic and not have to worry if I'm treating it gently plenty. Non but are they cheaper, simply synthetic brushes generally stand up up very well to rougher painting techniques. My workhorse brush now is an Escoda Prado or a Silver Black Velvet. I can buy a size 12-16 for under $25 and it volition last several years before it no longer comes to a sharp point.  Considering that I paint a lot, and use this brush for almost of my painting, that'due south not bad.

When I purchase a new ane, I withal utilise the old ane (in that location are times when you lot don't really desire a sharp point).

iii. Something has dried in the ferrule.

This is much more of a problem with acrylic than watercolor, but even with watercolor, dried paint or binder (gum arabic) in the base of the ferrule prevents the castor hairs from lying as close to i another every bit they should, so the tip can't quite come up together in a abrupt point.

If a brush seems to want to divide into two points, dried gunk in the ferrule is nearly ever the culprit.

If it'due south watercolor causing the trouble, plain h2o will remove it, simply it can take a surprisingly long fourth dimension to dissolve cloth that is dried within the ferrule. The rinse h2o has to make its way upwardly there by capillary action and then back out again.

Y'all can speed the process by grasping the brush handle in one hand and the brush hairs in the other close to the ferrule, and firmly wiggling the whole mass of castor hairs back and along near the ferrule. If you utilise a little shampoo or soap, you lot'll often be able to see the color coming out of the ferrule in the lather cream, which can help you make sure you are actually getting all the stale paint out.

If the dried material is acrylic paint or gum, you lot can often remove information technology by working a citrus based cleaner (such every bit CitraSolv or GooGone) into the castor hairs near the ferrule, and wiggling to assistance the cleaner motion inside the ferrule. Let information technology sit down overnight and so wash using shampoo or castile lather. Y'all may have to echo this several times to remove dried acrylic paint or mucilage.

Citrus cleaners sometimes also work for dried masking fluid, but not e'er, so . . .

10. Never use your good brushes for applying masking fluid!

Masking fluid dries fast! You tin can ruin a brush in the length of time it takes to mask an modest area, as the masking fluid will often dry in the brush near the ferrule while still flowing at the tip.  Don't gamble it!

You practise want to apply masking fluid with a decent brush, but stick with a skilful-quality inexpensive synthetic. Princeton Brush has a line of white- and gilded-taklon (nylon) brushes call Snap! that are surprising well-behaved brushes and not expensive.  There are several other lines of white- and golden-taklon (nylon) brushes that are similar. You should be able to find a decent castor for masking for nether $v.

Then . . .

eleven. Earlier using Any brush for masking, wet it with soap solution.

I but dip my masking brush in water and scrub information technology around on a bar of Ivory lather. I'm especially careful to get some lather worked into the area near the ferrule, to keep masking fluid OUT!

I apply apparently old Ivory soap because information technology doesn't take moisturizers or oils that might affect the menses of water-based media.

Some people apply a solution of lather and water, but for me, a bar of soap is quicker and easier.

12. Love them and Use them ofttimes!

Okay, your brushes might not last longer if y'all use them ofttimes, but they are definitely happier—then are you!

cartoon fairy with drippy paintbrush "wand"
A busy brush is a happy brush!

How Store Water Color Burshes In Studio,


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