
How To Pick No Color On Power Bi

Continuing on with my Ability BI Desktop blog mail ready ( How to Install Power BI Desktop , Getting Started with Power BI Desktop and SCCM , Adding a Calculated Column to a Ability BI Table and Adding a Chart to a Power BI Dashboard ) where I showed you how to create a basic Power BI dashboard, in this blog postal service I will show you lot how color is used in Power BI and SSRS dashboards. In my stance, color is ane of the areas where Power BI falls brusque when compared with SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). In SSRS yous can assign colors to charts or tables past using its color lawmaking feature, nevertheless, a similar feature doesn't exist within Ability BI.

I will demonstrate what I'm talking well-nigh by taking the Power BI chart (where I left off in the previous mail ) and comparing information technology with a like SSRS-designed chart. My focus will be on changing the chart's wedge colors.

Why Is Color Important?

How colour is used in Power BI and SSRS dashboards is important because if a nautical chart is well-designed you can know in an instant what it is telling yous! Choosing the right colors in a dashboard is particularly useful when a Manager needs to review it. At a quick glance they tin come across their environs's status and they don't have to inspect each detail in social club to understand its meaning.

If you saw a chart about figurer ages, what color do you think should represent Virtual Machines (VMs)? What color exercise you lot think should correspond a 1-year-old computer compared to a 9- year-one-time computer?

How Color Is Used in Power BI and SSRS Dashboards-Chart Comparison

Permit'south take a look at these two charts. They are using the same dataset, but different colors appear for different values.

In the Power BI chart on the left, the red-colored wedge represents computers that are 3-years-erstwhile. In the SSRS chart on the correct, 3-year-onetime computers are represented by the color gold. You lot don't see it hither, simply blood-red in the SSRS chart represents, "Mistake." Doesn't that make more sense?

Let's take another example, in the Power BI chart, computers that are ix-years-old are represented by a blue wedge, whereas in the SSRS chart the wedge representing these computers is the color black. It makes more sense, I think, to show computers that are 9-years-one-time (or older) every bit, "black," than information technology is equally, "blue."

How Colour Is Used in Ability BI

Information technology is important to note that by default all colors are randomly selected in Power BI based on the chosen colour palette. This means that the assigned colors take no meaning, merely will be visually appealing.

How Can I Change the Default Colors in Power BI?

How Color Is Used in Power BI and SSRS Dashboards-Paint Roller

Start past selecting your chart on the canvas. Then in the VISUALIZATIONS expanse, select the paint roller.

How Color Is Used in Power BI and SSRS Dashboards-Data Colors

Expand Information colors.

How Color Is Used in Power BI and SSRS Dashboards-Values

The beginning thing that I want you to find is that the values, "0," and, "10," are missing from this list. In my query it is possible to have results for these values, yet, since no reckoner in my exam lab is either under ane-years-erstwhile or ten-years-quondam then these values do not appear. This ways that I cannot assign a color for, "0," or, "ten." Eventually Power BI will randomly select colors for these values when computers with this historic period appear in the results.

Using the post-obit color codes (based on my SSRS chart's colour codes) I'yard going to update my Power BI donut nautical chart.

How Color Is Used in Power BI and SSRS Dashboards-Color Codes

Let'south get started!

How Color Is Used in Power BI and SSRS Dashboards-Custom Color

Taking the value ane, expand the color button and and then click on Custom color.

How Color Is Used in Power BI and SSRS Dashboards-Hex Color

Enter the Hex color lawmaking and hit enter.

How Color Is Used in Power BI and SSRS Dashboards-Updated Data Colors

Repeat this process for all available values.

Once again, detect that I can't assign a color code for either, "0," or, "x." Once more, this means that Power BI will randomly select a color and there goes my perfectly called color palette. My simply work-around would be to create a, "faux," dataset (which I don't want to do) that includes all of the possible options. And then I could assign each value a colour.

What happens, though, when a computer is older than 10-years-old? You'll observe in my SSRS colour codes that I have an pick for 10+ years, merely that isn't possible with Ability BI, so computers that are 11, 12, etc. years-sometime will exist given a randomly assigned color in the donut chart.

How Color Is Used in Power BI and SSRS Dashboards-Power BI Chart

This is my terminal design. I recollect that these colors assistance to convey that a quarter of the physical computers are aged iv and under. Starting in the 12 o'clock position and moving clock-wise, you lot tin easily infer that calculator ages appear from newest (i-years-old) to oldest (nine-years-old). Past the fashion, there is very little control over where the results are positioned in the donut.

How Can I Change the Colors in SSRS?

I could write an entire web log post about how to change colors using SSRS' color lawmaking feature, but in this mail service I'll stick to the basics and show you lot how I changed the color for each value and set the default value to blackness.

Before I prove you the color codes that I used, here are a couple of important items to note:
First, yous tin assign a default color value. In my example it volition be #000000 – Black.
Second, yous tin can mix and match color names and Hex color codes within a color lawmaking block.

Below is the color code block that I used in my SSRS chart. A screenshot of the final pattern appeared at the beginning of this post.

How Color Is Used in Power BI and SSRS Dashboards-SSRS Color Code Block


I hope that in this mail service I shed some light on how colour is used in Ability BI and SSRS dashboards. Yous saw how I changed the colors of the Power BI donut chart's wedges to make them accept more meaning. The colors I chose were better representations of the information I was displaying. This helps anyone viewing the dashboard. Y'all also noticed how I tried to match the colors that I used in my SSRS nautical chart to the ones in the Ability BI chart to requite y'all a skillful comparison of the 2. My one wish would exist that the Power BI team implement a color lawmaking characteristic similar to the ane that I used with SSRS.

These are some boosted weblog posts that you might be interested in reviewing on the topic of SCCM reports and color:
When is Grey Not a Valid Color?
I Need a Color Palette for My ConfigMgr Reports, Now What?

Exercise you want to learn more than about Ability BI Desktop? Transport me your ideas and questions to @GarthMJ !

How To Pick No Color On Power Bi,


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